Monday, May 30, 2011


I'm contemplating doing a reality show. Yes. I've always loved reality show. From Survivor, The Apprentice and many recent ones. I think that is linked to my love for reading autobiographies to try and understand what makes people tick. Reality show are just that for me. I find them most interesting.

In July I will be going on a tour again of KZN doing motivational talks with the Office of the Premier. I had a fabulous time in February and many times I wished I could record it. This time I'm doing just that. I want to record it. Not me, but the people I come across. I want people to see where I go to. What views people share and to see the country.

I am thinking about it seriously. I will know for sure if it can be done in a week's time. I'm excited the possibility of doing it.

I will keep in touch and let you know.

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